Wednesday, August 26, 2009

On ignoring and being ignored

The funniest part about being a pro a ignoring people is understanding right away when you are being ignored. As it turns out someone I thought I was making good progress with as a friend (and may be in the future romantically) has decided to ignore me. Now there are two things one can do when one is being ignored. Either you can confront the said person or send them acerbic emails (again something I'm good at) and tell them it would have been nice of them to just tell you that they weren't interested in talking to you. Of course, I myself, take the other route so that's kinda hypocritical of me but when it's me who is being ignored, I get pretty damn preachy. Well, the world is full of hypocritical people like myself and I'm not proud of it but I do agree, it IS simpler to avoid people rather than tell them truthfully that you do not want to have anything to do with them. And when one takes that route, it is just so much simpler to know when someone else is doing the same to you, sigh.. The other course of action when one is being ignored by someone is to ignore them back. Sometimes that ACTUALLY works and the said person eventually comes to you and wants to spend time with you. However, when this happens you are extremely angry at having been ignored in the past and the person thinks he/she successfully ignored you and is back and that things are just peachy. Now that, is a recipe for disaster..

Well in this special case of mine, I'm pretty damn sure that the person who is ignoring me at the moment isn't returning anytime soon. Neither is he very dear to my heart. So instead of confronting him, I think I'm going to ignore him in return. I think that's the best course of action at the moment, don't you?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A day fraught with frenimies and personal issues..

Happiness, do you find it when you start looking for it or does it just fall in your lap? How is fair that I slog my ass off and still feel pathetic and useless? I'm angry and tired and I just want to punch someone in the face right now. No, not just one someone, several someones. I have a list of em' in my head and I swear to God I wanna punch em' all in the face! #&@#%!@$^$#^$!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Unjust Life

What do you do when your life goes topsy-turvy in the matter of hours? How do you defend yourself against accusations that are untrue? What do you say when people have already made up their mind about you without even bothering to give you a chance to explain? How do you react when people you think are your friends suddenly turn out to be the enemies that everyone had warned you against?

Why do people do this? Why is life so unjust? Why am I so defective?

Too many questions and no answers, all I know right now is I want to go back home and crawl into my mother's lap and cry my heart out. But I can't, so I'll just continue to be myself and learn to deal with the fact that life doesn't always hand out to you the things that you deserve...