Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sweet sweet sleep...

What bugs me the most? Not getting enough sleep.. This horrible finals week with all of it's tensions is bad enough as it is. And then to top it all, there's no bloody time to sleep it seems. When I was back in school, exams were the time to study and sleep. The highest amount of sleep I got was during exam time. And now, there's so much studying to get done that I have no freaking idea where to incorporate sleep in it.. So yesterday, I finished writing some shit and said, ok I'll lie down for an hour. Next thing I know, I'm up after 8 hours!!!! AArrrgggghhhh.... I have so much to do and NO time to do it now. Holy crap, I just hate feeling this way.. So I decided to relax by procrastinating! Not a good idea, I know but it does help me some..

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